Past Shows
Royal Hippodrome Theatre
1970 The Pirates of penzance
1971 The Gondoliers
1972 Iolanthe
1973 H.M.S. Pinafore
1974 The Mikado
1975 Patience
1976 Ruddigore
1977 The Pirates of Penzance
1978 The Sorcerer
1979 The Yeomen of the Guard
1980 The Gondoliers
1981 The Mikado
1982 H.M.S. Pinafore
1983 Patience
1984 The Sorcerer
1985 Iolanthe
1986 The Pirates of Penzance
1987 Pinafore Plus
1988 Ruddigore
1989 The Yeomen of the Guard
Devonshire Park Theatre
1990 The Gondoliers
1991 Princess Ida
1992 The Mikado
1993 Patience
1994 Broadway The Pirates of Penzance
1995 Iolanthe
1996 The Yeomen of the Guard
1997 Trial by Jury and H.M.S. Pinafore
1998 Ruddigore
1999 The Gondoliers
2000 The Hot Mikado
2001 The Pirates of Penzance
2002 Princess Ida
2003 H.M.S. Pinafore (May)
2003 The Yeomen of the Guard (November)
2004 Iolanthe
2005 The Mikado
2006 The Gondoliers
2007 The Pirates of Penzance
2008 Patience
2009 Trial by Jury and H.M.S. Pinafore
2010 Ruddigore
2011 The Mikado
2012 The Gondoliers
2013 The Sorcerer
2014 The Pirates of Penzance
2015 Iolanthe
2016 H.M.S. Pinafore
2017 The Mikado
2018 Yeomen of the Guard
2019 The Gondoliers
2020 Jack Point & The Beanstalk (online production)
2021 The Pirates of Penzance
2022 Ruddygore
Royal Hippodrome Theatre
2023 Iolanthe